It is without a doubt the fastest and most permanent

Find a professional surgeon in your area and follow all his/her advice on how to prepare for your face lift. A good idea, you've thought it through and decided its something you want not something you need. If you have a job that has a lot of public exposure, this may also be a good reason to proceed. It is a very personal decision and one only you should make. Oh! and don't forget the usual risks that are involved with anesthesia. Learn to love yourself the way you are first. It will speed your recovery time. Ask yourself why are you with someone who values you only for your appearance.


It is without a doubt the fastest and most permanent way of shedding your 'old' face and regaining some of that youthful beauty you were born with.Should I Have A Face Lift?Good question! A face lift is major surgery and surgery means blood, mess, discomfort, stitches and time out to recover. It sounds like you have a lot of sun damage, get educated on the use of sunblock! Its everybody's most important cosmetic. I can afford the surgery and reckon I might just do this for myself.I'm in my early fifties and notice my face is starting to sag quite badly..Why do I want a facelift?Am I doing this because its going to help me find the job that I really want? This is a valid reason for going ahead.


Am I doing this because my partner wants me to? Red alert! Never let anyone else talk you into having a facelift.holistic-facial-skin-care.If you've considered these things and decided that the final outcome is worth it, then proceed, but first please ask yourself these questions. It shouldn't matter to those that hire people how old the applicant is or what they look like, but in the real world we know that these things do play a part. Don't forget to mention any medication you are taking and if you are a smoker, stop two weeks before surgery is scheduled. Maybe a facelift will help me feel better? It may for a little while, but it sounds like you have a self esteem problem.On the plus Sae 37°Flare side, the effects of a face lift are quite dramatic. Honor yourself, you are more than your face! Perhaps you should be working on your relationship and leaving your face alone!I'm thirty five and have lots of wrinkles around my eyes and cheeks, and my neck is all mottled A face lift won't help this situation.


You are better off exploring the avenue of laser resurfacing or even chemical peels, they will strip the old layer of skin off and reveal a smoother younger appearance. Slow healing time can also be a problem although this is found mainly in smokers. Damage to the nerves that control your facial muscles is another although this is less common. Then if you still feel a facelift would give your morale a boost, go ahead. There are risks to consider, one is hematoma when the blood collects under the skin and has to be surgically removed. A face lift is expensive too.

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